Vulnerable and overcrowded hospitals are targeted by cyber-criminals
LEUSDEN – The crisis surrounding the coronavirus does not bring out the best in everyone. Whilst doctors and nurses in Italy and Spain are working hard to save victims of the coronavirus, many hospitals in both countries are under fire from cyber-criminals. For the Dutch Tesorion that is reason enough to altruistically offer assistance in order to disable the cyber-attacks and to prevent the patient care from being jeopardised.
Cyber-security specialist Tesorion has been active internationally for quite some time and provides for the cyber-security of, inter alia, universities, hospitals, and the business community.
The initiative to offer some hospitals in Italy and Spain free assistance during this period is consequently a logical choice for the board of Tesorion.
‘Ever more often, we note that cyber-criminals hit very hard at organisations that are, for whatever reason, facing difficulties’, says Dr Ir Rick Hofstede, Director of Technology at Tesorion. ‘What we see now is, of course, heart-breaking. Whilst the healthcare staff are making every effort to save lives, criminals try to cash in on the chaos. We consider it as our social duty to offer a helping hand in our area of expertise.’
The hospitals are under a heavy burden due to the coronavirus crisis, and all attention and energy are required to resist the work pressure. In Europe, Tesorion is the leading cyber-security specialist and with Tesorion Immunity it is able to detect and isolate threats real-time.